
nearby places to be explored


Konark Sun Temple

Frequently named Black Pagoda, The Konark sanctuary was worked by King Narasimha of the Eastern Ganga administration in the thirteenth century. The sanctuary is today known for its astonishing unbelievable stories and exceptional Kalinga engineering. Konark Sun sanctuary is situated on the shores of the Bay of Bengal and implies the magnificence of the Sun God. The whole sanctuary is as a chariot for the Sun God with twelve goliath wheels portraying the year of a schedule and driven by seven ponies looking like the seven days of seven days. It has three critical areas known as the Sanctum with pictures of the sun god, Natya mandir, or the territory where the devadasis used to play out their moves and Jagamohana. Mayadevi Temple and Vaishnava sanctuary has likewise been found close to the principal sanctuary. It is remembered for UNESCO as a world legacy site, unfurls numerous secrets about the compositional greatness of those days.


Ramchandi Temple

Ramachandi Temple is on a delightful spot on the banks of the Kusabhadra River where it streams into the Bay of Bengal. Goddess Ramachandi, the divinity of Konark is thought by some to be the directing god of this sanctuary, while others believed it to be the sanctuary of Mayadevi, spouse of Surya (Sun God). From the strict perspective, it is one of the celebrated Sakta pithas of Odisha. An elegant Chandi, situated on a Lotus bloom in a little sanctuary half-covered up by sandhills, on the stream mouth of Kushabhadra and the perpetual Bay of Bengal extended to time everlasting.


Jagannath Temple

The Jagannath Temple of Puri is a consecrated Vaishnava sanctuary devoted to Lord Jagannath and situated on the eastern bank of India. The sanctuary is a significant journey objective and is one of the Char Dham journeys that anybody is relied upon to make in the course of one’s life. The significant development of the Jagannath sanctuary was started by ruler Chodagangadeva And was finished by his grandson Anangabhimadeva in the late twelfth century. The colossal sanctuary complex covers a territory of more than 400,000 square feet (37,000 m2) and is encircled by a high strengthened divider. This 20 feet (6.1 m) of the high divider is known as Meghanada Pacheri. It contains at any rate 120 sanctuaries and altars. With its sculptural lavishness and ease of the Odia style of sanctuary design, it is perhaps the most brilliant landmark of India. The sanctuary is popular for its yearly Rath Yatra or chariot celebration, in which the three principal sanctuary gods are pulled on immense and extravagantly finished sanctuary vehicles.


Golden Beach Puri

In a significant lift to the travel industry in Odisha, the Golden seashore in Puri has concurred with the lofty ‘Blue Flag’ tag. The Blue Flag accreditation is an exceptionally perceived eco-mark in which a seashore needs to meet 33 measures fixed by the Foundation for Environment Education (FEE), Denmark. An 870-meter stretch from Digabareni square to the rear of Mayfair Hotel in the Pilgrim town has been created as Blue Flag seashore under the World Bank-supported Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project (ICZMP) of the State Forest and Environment Department and Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change. The Beach is perhaps the best spot to luxuriate out the times of your Puri visit. The seashore gives immaculate dawn and nightfall sees. Also, one can discover various food slows down that offer the best fish in Puri.


Chandrabhaga Beach

Set in the town of Chandrabhaga in Puri District of Orissa, Chandrabhaga Beach is viewed as probably the best seashores along the eastern eastern coast of India. The seashore is situated a good way off of 3 km from the World Heritage Site – Konark Temple. The seashore holds incredible significance in the social and customary character of Orissa. Chandrabhaga Beach is accepted to have seen the ascent and fall of the Konark Temple. In view of the social significance it holds, numerous social exercises are held at the seashore. Chandrabhaga Mela, which is a seven-day reasonable, is coordinated at the seashore to respect Lord Surya.

Chandrabhaga Beach is an ideal location for individuals who wish to invest some energy in the midst of normal excellence and harmony.


Beleswar Beach & Temple

The beach is cloaked in greens and covered with silvery sand and clear blue sky that you can witness from October to March. The breeze carries with it the smell of ocean’s waters that in turn wavers the leaves of coconut and Casuarina trees. Unlike other beaches, this pristine beach is untouched by tourists and hawkers. Although it attracts a lot of visitors for its beauty, it is not jam-packed with people every time. Because of this reason, the beach offers other things to try and explore with your loved ones besides the usual water sports.